I recommend that today you take 5 (or 10 or 20 or even a whole day) for self-compassion. If you'd like to get right to it, feel free to scroll down and click on the 6 minute audio meditation or keep reading to learn the why and the how.
Read MoreSome thoughts on mobility....
For those of you who practice yoga with me, you know that we are always exploring how to move into and out of our full range of motion with control, strength, breath and moment-to-moment awareness.
When I’m teaching movement, I often share that most injuries happen during the transitions, not in the middle of the hold. We tend to bring ourselves into our full expression of the pose and then just when we need it most, we make our way into another pose without finding the muscular energy to do so safely.
This generally happens for two reasons:
Read MoreI’m not afraid of spiders. I actually really love them. I almost can’t believe how beautiful they are and how stunning their webs are. I’ve been visiting a black widow in my front yard and that gorgeous big red belly astounds me. When I watch her, I feel a mystery unfolding inside of me that I don’t have words for yet. And then there are those elegant, other-worldly, stronger-than-steel, webs of theirs. I could go on a serious tangent here but I will rein myself in and get to the point.
We’re all weaving webs…
Read MoreDoes your inner voice ever sound like this?
Don’t try that, you’re not xxxxx enough.
You stink at starting new habits.
You should've done a better job on that project.
You have to stop procrastinating.
You shouldn't be feeling so overwhelmed.
Blah, blah, blah……
We all have negative voices spinning around in our heads sometimes. That’s normal. The questions is, how much air time do those voices get?
Join Your Brain on Mindfulness with a friend and get $100 off - and here's why....
Doing something difficult is easier when you have support. Whether it's an exercise goal, starting a new project or a life transition, when we explore something alone, it is more stressful (and less fun) than when we have someone to share it with. Consider this for a moment...
Think about something difficult you're trying to do right now. Are you in it alone? If so, could you enlist a friend or partner to help you? Notice whether it feels more or less stressful when you imagine having support.
Research shows…
What I’ve heard from so many of you is that stress is the #1 thing that holds you back from really enjoying your life. That’s exactly why I created this course.
Your Brain on Mindfulness is not about getting rid of the stressors in your life. We all know that’s impossible. We also know that sometimes we get really frustrated or angry about things and the next day, that same thing doesn't bother us at all.
It’s all about the state you’re in when the stressor is coming at you. And it generally boils down to how you answer questions like these:
Do you feel anxious or calm?
Are you filled with self-doubt or self-compassion?
Are you feeling scared or safe?
Are you aware of your mind/body experience or are you checked out?
How you answer these questions often determines whether your "to-do" list makes you feel overwhelmed or motivated and excited. But feeling calm, self-compassionate and safe takes some work, and that's where mindfulness comes in.
Read MoreIn a nutshell, this 8 week course is about reducing stress, building resilience and shifting from a survive to thrive mindset.
I'm pretty sure that this year has been rough for everybody in one way or another.
What I know for absolute sure is:
Being in community and feeling connected and supported helps.
Having a toolbox full of resources and mindfulness practices that meet the needs of YOUR unique mind, body and brain helps.
Understanding the effect of those practices on your body, mind and brain - leaning the "why" of the practice, helps.
Meditating regularly and having an "accountability partner" to encourage you to engage in that meditation practice helps.
Your Brain on Mindfulness is all of these things and much more, and it helps!
We are stronger together, we are happier together and we are healthier together.
So let's practice together!
There is something for everyone this week!
Join me for…
1. Tuesday: Free Taster: Sneak Peak into Your Brain on Mindfulness
2. Wednesday: Free 10-day Meditation Playground
3. Saturday: Mudras and Mindfulness
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