Changing Your Experience of Pain

This blog is part-two of a four-part series this month, discussing the effects that mindfulness, yoga and physical therapy can have on decreasing the suffering involved in chronic pain. If you scroll to the end, you'll find a simple guided meditation to support you in dealing with physical discomfort.

In last week's email, my colleague and friend, Katey Blumenthal and I shared a snippet about the science of pain, and this week, we'll be talking a bit more about our relationship to pain and its effect on our suffering….

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Rachel Posner
A New Year's Message And A New Course

I hope you had a lovely holiday season and a sweet entry into the new year. I suppose my favorite thing about January 1 is the feeling of possibility that comes with it. For me, it feels like a fresh start. I get to consider anew, what I'd like the year to look like, and most importantly, how I want to feel.
Instead of making a list of resolutions, I pick a word or image or quality that I want to feel more of, and then I ask myself what I could do to support that. This year, my word is "ojas" - a Sanskrit term translated as “essence of vitality.” Basically, ojas is the vital energy or essence that nourishes and influences our health on every level. When I've felt depleted lately, I've found myself remembering this word and getting curious about it's role in my energy level and feelings of aliveness. Through an ayurvedic lens, one way to build ojas is to do things that light you up….

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Rachel Posner
A Free Gratitude Meditation - Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to pop into your inbox and wish a you wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. If you haven't heard me say it lately, I am deeply grateful for you 💚

And in the spirit of gratitude, you might like to take a moment (5 minutes to be precise) to practice with me. Enjoy…..

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Rachel Posner
Cultivating a Well of Compassion: December Meditation Series

The holidays are just around the corner. My guess is that some of you can barely contain your excitement while others would probably rather just skip it. Regardless of where you land on that spectrum, the "vibe" in the air is stressful. And so much of what we feel throughout the day is based on what everyone around us is feeling. Our nervous systems are always taking the temperature in the room and it's impossible not to be affected by the collective. So this year, in the midst of all of it, consider offering yourself something soothing, something connecting, and something life-enhancing!

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Rachel Posner
Compassion Meditation, Great Salt Lake and an Auto Immune Podcast!

I know that being a citizen of the world has been especially intense lately. I've moved from engaged and grounded, to over-engaged and dysregulated, to totally-checked-out and everything in between. I just want to reassure you that ALL RESPONSES ARE NORMAL!!! Our mindfulness practices guide us towards staying in the present (that's a tall order), pulling away from creating stories about what is going to happen in the future (also difficult), and bringing ourselves back to the moment with compassion, not judgement, over and over again (WHEW!!!). And while I wholeheartedly agree with that approach, it might not feel super accessible to you right now. So here are some additional options….

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Rachel Posner
Election Week Self-Care Toolbox

 In times of heightened stress and fear, mindfulness practices can go a long way in keeping you grounded and emotionally regulated. Remember that how you feel inside has everything to do with how you experience what’s happening around you. So if you are feeling a lack of control over the events of the world, shifting your internal experience will make things feel more manageable. Luckily, I have a pretty good toolbox at the ready and I’d love to share a few resources with you.

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Rachel Posner
Meditation Series: Exploring the Background Track

Whether you're trying to hold your attention on your breath, the sensations in your body or the compassion in your heart, there is almost always a background track playing. It says things like,  hey - you’re wandering again, or, my back hurts, or it’s probably best to stop early and change the load of laundry. For most of us, the background track is going almost non-stop. And that’s normal!!! I’m not concerned with the track as much as the “tone” of the track. Is it kind and curious or judgey and mean-spirited?

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Rachel Posner