Spinning Webs

I’m not afraid of spiders. I actually really love them. I almost can’t believe how beautiful they are and how stunning their webs are. I’ve been visiting a black widow in my front yard and that gorgeous big red belly astounds me. When I watch her, I feel a mystery unfolding inside of me that I don’t have words for yet. And then there are those elegant, other-worldly, stronger-than-steel, webs of theirs. I could go on a serious tangent here but I will rein myself in and get to the point.  

We’re all weaving webs. We put so much of our energy into our families and friends and communities - those stronger-than-steel gaian structures in our lives that make us feel loved, connected and supported. Don’t you just love the sound of that term, gaian structure? I just heard it in a class I’m taking with Erin Geesaman-Rabke influenced by Joanna Macy’s work, The Great Turning. I love the strength and stability of it - like I am the architect of my life and I have the agency to create structures that don’t come with collateral damage - structures that support me and the humans and non-humans I share the planet with.

I’ve been working diligently on a few of those this year:

  • Like my weekly reach out to friends I haven’t seen in moons that result in virtual and in-person coffees and walks and hikes and glasses of wine and sometimes even really big hugs. Last week I was walking with a dear friend and about an hour deep into our conversation about family and purpose and our work in the world, she said, “Rachel, you make me feel brave” and I said, “ditto”. Our webs offer us love and connection but they also make us feel brave. When we’re not alone, we’re more confident, more resilient, and more courageous.

  • I’ve also been investing in learning time. I’m three weeks into this life-sustaining class with Erin and last week, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing and listening to my favorite author, Anthony Doerr speak about his latest book Cloud Cuckoo Land. One of the many quotable nuggets that flew out of his mouth was, “an isolated life is an impoverished life.” YES! This rings so true for me. I am so committed these days to living a connected life and I can feel the riches pouring in on a daily basis.

  • Another one of the webs I’ve been weaving this year is, Your Yoga: a Virtual Community. I have been loving holding a space for those of us wanting to practice yoga and meditation from the comfort and safety of our own homes AND who still want to feel connected to a community of beautiful yogis - and often cats, dogs and babies:) We are like a stand of aspen trees, reaching deep down towards one another's roots to stabilize the whole. And we would love to have you! Whether you are practicing live or watching the library of recordings, you’ll feel a part of something. If you feel pulled, you can start your free trial here.

So consider your own riches. Do you have just a moment to take a pause with me? Can you feel your feet on the ground and your breath low in your belly? Take 5 more breaths, just like that. Now ask yourself, “What support am I nourishing these days? What gorgeous, stronger-than-steel webs am I weaving?” Communities are all about reciprocity (one of my most favorite words in the world). So what are you offering up, and what is coming right back to you? Naming, remembering and acknowledging that goodness is like feeding the holy. 

Would you like to feed the holy with me? Scroll down to count the ways.

From my spinneret to yours,


Offerings and Ways to Connect:

Your Yoga: A Virtual Community - this the sweetest online community ever. We practice on zoom 4 times a week (vinyasa, restore and meditation) and all classes are recorded. You can get started with a free one-week trial.

I'm thrilled to be co-teaching a workshop with athletic trainer extraordinaire, Jaclyn Arduini on October 24. Stay tuned for more details.

Individual Yoga Therapy - I have a couple of available spots. If you'd like to talk about whether yoga therapy is a good fit, reply to this email or set up a discovery call here.

Virtual Coffee Date - I'd love to say hi. Reply to this email and let me know if you'd like to chat or just sign up here!

Your Brain on Mindfulness: 8 Weeks to Dissolve Stress, Build Resilience & Thrive begins Feb 2022. Click here to join the pre-registration list for updates and a special course discount.

Southern Spain Retreat: Yoga + Nature + Culture
June 27 - July 3, 2020
Save the date - details coming soon!

Rachel Posner