Finding A Love Breath

Hi Everyone,

I have two offerings to share with you but first let's start with one of my favorite Rumi quotes:

There is a way of breathing

That’s a shame and a suffocation

And there’s another way of expiring,

A love breath,

That lets you open infinitely.


Consider taking a moment here to settle into your breath, re-read the quote and breath again. What do you notice?

Have you ever experienced a love breath, one that leaves you feeling deeply nourished, deeply connected and infinitely open to the beauty and wonder of the world? 

Can we consciously breathe in a way that opens the door to this way of experiencing our breath and our lives?  

How do we find this "love breath"?

Like all things, it begins with attention.

In this Saturday’s workshop, The Power of Breath: Pranayama for Optimal Living and Breathing, we’ll explore:

  • Breathing techniques that regulate your nervous system, leaving your feeling less stressed and more calm, less fatigued and more enlivened

  • Your own breathing patterns - where they support you and where they don’t

  • The anatomy, physiology and neuroscience of breath

  • The life enhancing benefits of breathing well (think better sleep, decreased blood pressure, less stress and anxiety, more energy, improved immune response, and so much more!)

Through lecture, deep inquiry and practice, we’ll open the doorway to a love breath.

I hope you'll join me!

Click below to register or learn more. This workshop is $20. If you are a Your Yoga member, use your "members" coupon code to receive a 50% discount. 

The Power of Breath: Pranayama for Optimal Living and Breathing
July 31 on Zoom. 10:00-11:30am (MST)
*We'll meet on zoom and a recording will be available if you can’t make it in person or would like to re-watch it.

Secondly, the next Your Brain on Mindfulness: First Tuesday Taster is next week, August 3, 6-7 pm (MST).

For those of you who are curious about my body/mind/brain approach to stress reduction and well-being, this is a perfect way to learn more. We'll explore the importance of individualizing your mindfulness practices to serve your unique body, mind and brain.

If you've joined me before, know that each class is a little different so please come again and again!
This month's theme will focus on practices to reset your nervous system so that you feel both calm and energized.

I'll be offering these classes the first Tuesday of every month so if you can't make it tomorrow, mark your calendar for September 7.

The practices we explore in Your Brain on Mindfulness can lead to:

  • Increased vagal tone / a more regulated nervous system

  • A calmer, less reactionary mind

  • Improved memory & attention

  • Decreased anxiety & depression

  • A more resilient response to stress

  • Deeper relationships & social connections

  • Increased happiness and contentment

  • A more optimistic approach-oriented outlook on life

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!

Here's to a love breath!


Offerings and Ways to Connect:

The Power of Breath: Pranayama for Optimal Living and Breathing - Join me for a morning of deep breath and deep inquiry as we explore the many benefits of breathing well. Saturday, July 31, 10-11:30 am (MST).
Your Yoga: A Virtual Community - this the sweetest online community ever. We practice on zoom 4 times a week (vinyasa, restore and meditation) and all classes are recorded. You can get started with a free one-week trial.
Individual Yoga Therapy - I have a couple of available spots. If you'd like to talk about whether yoga therapy is a good fit, reply to this email or set up a discovery call here.
Virtual Coffee Date - I'd love to say hi. Reply to this email and let me know if you'd like to chat or just sign up here!

Rachel Posner