What's So Important About Community?

A few notes on community:

  • People who feel connected to others are happier, healthier and live longer. The Spanish are the healthiest people in the world and my experience of community in my two years there was life changing. (I'll dive deeper into that little tidbit soon!)

  • Doing hard things is easier with a friend by your side. We learn better and feel stronger and more capable when we have support.

  • You are more likely to successfully develop a new habit when you have an accountability buddy. Being in the soup with a partner helps keep us motivated and on track.

  • Feeling connected and supported lowers your stress level and helps regulate your nervous system. It turns off your stress response (fight/flight/freeze) and turns on your relaxation response (rest and digest).

This is why I wrap all of my offerings in community and support!

We are in a tricky time. The messages around how to keep ourselves safe and healthy are always changing and we are constantly needing to reassess and adapt. Just when we feel more comfortable “getting out there” it seems that we are asked to take another step back. 

That’s why more than ever, we need to double down on community.

And we need to get creative! Whether that’s expanding our bubbles, taking online classes or spending more time outdoors with people we care about. Whatever it is that makes you feel safe and connected, go do it!

Here are some of the things I’ve done in 2021 to build connection and community:

  1. In January, I had the privilege of teaching Your Brain on Mindfulness to a gorgeous group of humans who formed a supportive community dedicated to deepening their mindfulness practices to increase states of calm, presence and optimism.

  2. In February, I joined a 12-month business coaching community to  connect with other women growing businesses and lives and families and are interested in learning from and supporting one another. 

  3. In March, I attended an online 5 day Vipassana meditation retreat (this is something I could never have imagined doing 3 years ago and it was awesome).

  4. In May, I spent 5 days camping with a few of my former vision quest co-guides from Animas Valley Institute who helped me take the next needed steps in my own personal growth while nourishing and supporting me with deep friendship. 

  5. In June, Beck Shatles and I guided a stunning group of yogis on a Costa Rica retreat which was mind-boggling connecting and enlivening.

  6. In July, my husband and I attended an online weekend meditation retreat (such a sweet thing to do with a partner) with Erin Geesamen Rabke and Carl Rabke.

  7. I’ve been having virtual and in person coffee dates all year - reaching out to friends and colleagues whom I haven’t connected with in a long time (click here or email me if you want to chat). 

  8. I just registered for Erin’s fall course, Embodying the Great Turning, another place to share deeply with other souls asking some of the same questions that I'm asking right now. 

  9. And all year, I’ve been energized and nourished by my Your Yoga Virtual Community. This sweet group of humans remind me 4 times a week of how wonderful it is to practice yoga, meditate and share virtual space together.

And honestly, there has been so much more. I haven’t even mentioned the creative ways I’ve spent time with family and good friends this year. In the thick of a Covid winter, my family and my brother’s sat in front of countless fires (Salt Lake inversion dependent) and propane heaters to spend Sunday suppers together in our backyards!

What I’m saying is that despite the difficulties and inconveniences and countless other reasons we all have for not reaching out, we need to do it anyway.

We need to fight against the pull towards isolation and extreme introversion (I’m an introvert so I know first hand how quickly things can go awry) and move towards connection.

And I guarantee, your brain, body and mind will thank you in so many ways. Your calmer nervous system will thank you. Your softened jaw and less furrowed brow will thank you. Your craving mind that sometimes mistakes chocolate or potato chips for a hug or a shoulder to cry on will thank you. And those beings whom you’ve reached out to, whom you’ve offered a hand or an ear to will undoubtedly thank you.

And I thank you, right now, for reading, for being a part of my community and for being you. I hope we can connect soon!

Much love,


Lots coming up in September. Scroll down for details.

Offerings and Ways to Connect:

Your Brain on Mindfulness: 8 Weeks to Dissolve Stress, Build Resilience & Thrive Begins Sept 27. Click here to join the pre-registration list for updates and a special course discount.

I'm thrilled to be co-teaching a Mudras and Mindfulness workshop with Denise Druce on September 18.

Your Yoga: A Virtual Community - this the sweetest online community ever. We practice on zoom 4 times a week (vinyasa, restore and meditation) and all classes are recorded. You can get started with a free one-week trial.

Individual Yoga Therapy - I have a couple of available spots. If you'd like to talk about whether yoga therapy is a good fit, reply to this email or set up a discovery call here.

Jennifer Bloom is a wonderful colleague who hosts a podcast/youtube channel called Soul Wisdom Abundance. Listen to a conversation between Jennifer and I here or learn more about her work around the soul-money relationship here.

Virtual Coffee Date - I'd love to say hi. Reply to this email and let me know if you'd like to chat or just sign up here!

Rachel Posner