Meditation Series: Exploring the Background Track

I've got so much for you today!!!

1. You can now register for the October Meditation Series: Exploring the Background Track
2. Two new podcast episodes.
3. Plus, March 17-23 2025 retreat to Spain.

October Meditation Series: Exploring the Background Track

Whether you're trying to hold your attention on your breath, the sensations in your body or the compassion in your heart, there is almost always a background track playing. It says things like, hey - you’re wandering again, or, my back hurts, or it’s probably best to stop early and change the load of laundry.


For most of us, the background track is going almost non-stop. And that’s normal!!! I’m not concerned with the track as much as the “tone” of the track. Is it kind and curious or judgey and mean-spirited?


Whatever it is, it’s likely the same tone that’s going most of the day. And whether the tone is warm and fuzzy or mean and short-tempered makes all the difference! Because that tone may be the source of much of our pain and suffering. So instead of giving all of our attention to the object of our meditation (the breath, sensations, sounds, etc) let’s also get curious about that background track and explore how to develop a tone that frees us from that suffering.

Two new podcast episodes

I had so much fun talking to Jessa Zimmerman, sex therapist and couples counselor and Carrie Lingenfelter, parenting coach from Heart to Heart Life. Both episodes explore some of my usual topics; mindfulness, stress and nervous system regulation. Jessa and I had a great time talking about creating safety in our relationships, the impact of stress on relationships and sexual experience and the benefit of practicing presence and interoception (noticing the sensations in the body) on our sexual experiences. And Carrie and I explored tools and practices for mindful parenting, including a discussion on compassion versus empathy. Click below to listen:)

Sex and Our Stress Response with Rachel Posner
Click here to listen on:
Apple Podcasts

Click to listen on
Apple Podcasts


And finally, let's go to Southern Spain!!!

The dates are now set. Join me March 17-23, 2025. This is honestly one of those next level experiences that you don't want to miss. Click here to learn more. And if you'd like to jump on a phone or zoom call to discuss the details, reply to this email and we'll set it up.

If I can answer any questions about anything in this email, don't hesitate to reach out. And if we haven't connected in a while, I'd love to hear from you. How are you really doing? I'd love to know!

Sending so much love your way.


Here are some other ways you can work with me...

If you want some support starting or recharging your yoga and meditation practice, join the Your Yoga community! Register here to start your free 7-day trial.

If you'd like to work with me one-on-one, I have a few spots available. Reply to this email if you'd like to chat about whether this is the right time and fit for you. 

And you can find all of my online workshops and courses here.


Facilitating insight and “aha” moments through mindfulness courses, individual yoga therapy, retreats and yoga classes. How can I support you?

Rachel Posner