Work With Me 1:1


Individual Yoga Therapy


Why schedule a session?

  • You feel stressed, overwhelmed or burned-out

  • You lose patience with yourself and others more than you’d like to admit

  • You beat yourself up for not being or doing “enough”

  • You feel nervous or fearful even when there’s nothing to be scared about

  • You “check out” or disassociate when you’re under stress

  • You’re too overwhelmed to pay attention to what is good in your life

  • You want to increase life satisfaction and feel more engaged and joyful


Benefits of Yoga Therapy

  • Decrease fear, anxiety and stress

  • Increase awareness and mind/body connection

  • Facilitate problem-solving and decision-making

  • Gain clarity around life issues

  • Manage and alleviate pain

  • Build self-empowerment and self-agency

  • Increase self-compassion

  • Promote personal growth and emotional healing


My Specialties

  • Embodied Mindfulness Coaching

  • Stress Reduction

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Grief and loss

  • Personal growth


What is Yoga Therapy?

We take in information through our thoughts, sensations, emotions, and imagination. Unfortunately, in our culture, we tend to preference thoughts over everything else. The problem is, our thoughts only give us part of the picture. In a yoga therapy session, I’ll invite you to notice the sensations in your body, and the images and emotions that arise. You’ll be amazed by how much more information you have access to!

Through awareness practices, breathing techniques, deep imagery, gentle movement, and dialogue you will learn to listen with compassion to the wisdom of your body. Through this deep listening you’ll turn awareness into action and integration.  


"Rachel is amazing... I’ve done years of counseling and the sessions with her have been so much more beneficial than any talk therapy I’ve ever done...What’s most amazing is that you are actually doing all the work, she’s just guiding...Which I think it’s why its so much more powerful for me. I have the answers, it’s just finding them. And she has that ability to help me know what my body is feeling and thinking."

/  Heather  /




 Professional Mentoring

Yoga Therapists, Mental Health Practitioners and Yoga Instructors

Together, we will design your personalized professional development mentorship. I can support you in clarifying your vision and building the skills you need to bring your vision to fruition. With 20 years of experience as a yoga therapist, counselor and yoga instructor I can offer training and feedback around your work with students and clients. Together we’ll address what’s needed for you to grow into your full professional potential.



 Mindfulness Mentoring

Individualize your practices to meet the needs or your particular body, mind and brain

With so many mindfulness practices being taught these days, it's difficult to know where to start. Through mindfulness mentoring, you’ll discover what specific practices will best serve you, moment-to-moment.

Mindfulness mentoring will help you:

  • Reflect on your needs and get clearer about what specific practices are most beneficial for you.

  • Learn how to adjust your practice so that it continues to serves you moment-to-moment.


What’s Included:

  • One 75-90 minute online session to help you individualize your mindfulness practices. This can be a helpful integration piece if you've recently completed a mindfulness course with me.

  • If appropriate, recorded personalized guided meditations for you to work with on your own.

  • One 30-45 minute follow-up session to debrief and make any necessary adjustments to your practice.

  • Additional follow-up sessions may be purchased as needed.