


Core Values


I’m on a mission to help all people feel safe and supported.



I believe we are each our own best authority and as a facilitator, I will support your own sovereignty and agency. I don’t believe you are broken or need to be fixed or that you are anything less than whole and beautiful. As human beings, we benefit from support, tool gathering and reflection to help us see our wholeness and beauty more clearly.


I believe that all-beings deserve to feel safe and connected. I understand that we live in a society that oppresses, marginalizes and attempts to make invisible the bodies of both marginalized peoples and other-than-human creatures. I acknowledge that I am a white woman of privilege and am committed to stepping out of patriarchal and white supremist structures that feed oppression while stepping into life-enhancing systems that don’t require collateral damage and that help to heal systemic racism and environmental degradation.



We are stronger and more courageous when we feel connected. Feeling connected reduces stress, fear and loneliness and improves confidence, health and well-being. Strong relationships are among the top markers for happiness. Weaving community, relationship building and fostering connection is an essential tenet of my work.


I believe that we are in relationship with all beings and in an act of respect and love, I acknowledge that I both serve and receive from all communities, including BIPOC, LGTBQIA+, and the living earth and her other-than-human creatures.

Let’s imagine a world where all beings feel safe and connected!