Spain Retreat - a few spots left!

Calling all adventurers, insight seekers, nature lovers, and yoga and meditation practitioners (or folks whose to-do list includes starting or restarting a yoga or meditation practice)!!!

I would love for you to join me in Spain this October 15-21! Would you like to come? I have a few spots left and I'd love to have you!

This retreat was born out of three simple questions:

If you could go on any yoga retreat right now, where would it be? 

What would the primary components be?

What three words would best describe the tone of the retreat?

My answer:

  • Southern Spain


  • Yoga and meditation, culture and nature


  • Grounding, connecting and spacious 

And voila - I created the ideal retreat for me! I figured that if I loved it, a bunch of you would love it too!


If you join me, you can expect to slow way down. We will be living the Spanish way of life - probably the only country on earth where the siesta is still alive and well (I mean it - banks close and everything!). 


We'll do yoga, meditate, hike, wander, explore a few lovely towns, take naps, get massages, have luxuriously long, over-the-top, delicious meals together, connect with our intimate group and settle into our own deep inquiry. I know that sounds like a lot for a group that is "slowing way down" but I promise, we'll take it all at a "Spanish pace".

This is a time for you! A time to settle in, check in, and listen. With all the noise around us, it can be difficult to find the time and space to ask ourselves what we really need - what we're curious about - what we most want. This is that time! 

If you are feeling a pull to join me but you have questions or just want to talk through whether this is the right time, please reply to this email. I'd love to chat with you about it!

Register or Learn More

If I can answer any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. And if we haven't connected in a while, I'd love to hear from you. How are you really doing? I'd love to know!

Sending so much love your way.


More ways to work with me...

Your Yoga: A Virtual Community
If you like practicing yoga and meditation in the comfort of your own home, join the Your Yoga community! Register here to start your free 7-day trial.

Work with me one on one
Explore yoga therapy, personal or professional mentoring or mindfulness mentoring. Learn more here.

And you can find all of my online workshops and courses here.

Rachel Posner