5 Ways To Get Out Of Stress and Overwhelm

You may have noticed that I've been talking a lot about cultivating states of calm and connection these days.

In times of stress, this is essential. 

The most direct way to regulate your nervous system - in other words, to get out of fight/flight/freeze and into rest/digest - is to pay attention to all of the ways you are both safe and connected. And when we are worried (about the state of the world, our health, our jobs - take your pick) or feeling alone (isolated, separated from our family, friends, and communities - i.e. pandemic life) we are more likely to become dysregulated. Enter fight/flight/freeze. 

What's important is to learn how to embody states of safety and peace and one of the things that makes us feel safe is to feel connected. We are braver and more resilient when we have company and when we feel that we are in it together.

This is in large part what my work is about these days. Building webs of support so that together, we feel less afraid and alone and more calm and connected.

If you are feeling distressed or overwhelmed I have five suggestions for you:

  1. Practice taking a diaphragmatic/belly breath with a long exhale for 2-3 minutes every couple of hours.

  2. Make a list of three things that make you feel safe and three things that make you feel connected. Then act on that list!

  3. Many of you have already done this video practice with me but if it's been a while, try it again. Take 5 to relax and reset.

  4. Join me in Spain! We'll build a beautiful community and spend a week expanding into a new perspective grounded in safety, connection and joy. If you've been eyeing the Spain retreat June 27 - July 3, there is still time to register. Early bird discount ends April 1st so if you've been on the fence, now is the time to jump! Just reply to this email and we can talk about whether now is the right time for you.

  5. And finally, join the waitlist for my upcoming mindfulness course, Cultivating Calm & Safety. Just click below.

Let’s come together and practice cultivating safety and connection both for ourselves and for the greater good. Imagine a world where all beings feel safe and connected. Let’s contribute to that vision together.

Sending so much love to you,


Rachel Posner