Doorways of Possibility

Hello Beauties!

I’m in the thick of packing for my Costa Rica Retreat and am beside myself with excitement (and details and lists and next-level organizational what-not). I can feel how close I am to deep communion with the natural world and this beautiful group of adventurers.

And I have been on enough retreats to trust that it will be exactly what we need - to trust that this pause from daily life will offer a doorway into something new in each one of us. And should we choose to walk through that door… well, anything is possible.

I’m a huge proponent of walking through doorways that offer opportunities to reimagine what’s possible, to engage with life in ways that challenge and grow us, and that over and over, invite in more purpose and more joy.  


These doorways come in different shapes and sizes for all of us. Sometimes they’re big and bold and look like a retreat to Costa Rica. Other times they’re the size of the pillow that we sit on for morning meditation or the one under our heads when we wake to a dream that we know in our bellies holds an important message. 


Maybe that’s a good way to describe the work that I do in the world. I help usher people through the doorways of their lives. I use different tools and venues but the work is really the same. Whether it’s a retreat, a yoga class, meditation courses or yoga therapy, you can be sure that the doorway will be there if you’d like to walk through.


If this sounds intriguing, consider taking a pause. Reflect for a moment on what this summer holds for you? Have you created any space just for you? Are you finding ways to challenge yourself, even if that challenge is simply to rest and notice what might arise from the stillness?


I’ll be taking a pause myself for the next 2 weeks but when I return, I’d love to connect with you. My next offering is my July First Tuesday Taster (I know, it’s a mouthful). This is a free meditation class where you’ll learn how to individualize your mindfulness practices to meet your unique needs. It’s also a window into Your Brain on Mindfulness: 8 weeks to dissolve stress, build resilience & thrive (next course begins Sept 27). Click below to join me on July 6, 6-7pm (MST)

Click here to join me!

And finally, if you've been resonating with this doorway metaphor, you'll love this beautiful poem by Adrienne Rich. It's one of my favorites!

Thanks for reading. I hope to connect with you soon!



Prospective Immigrants Please Note

Prospective Immigrants Please Note

Either you will

go through this door

or you will not go through.

If you go through

there is always the risk

of remembering your name.

Things look at you doubly

and you must look back

and let them happen.

If you do not go through

it is possible

to live worthily

to maintain your attitudes

to hold your position

to die bravely

but much will blind you,

much will evade you,

at what cost who knows?

The door itself makes no promises.

It is only a door.

-Adrienne Rich

Rachel Posner