Reintegration: A Collective Moment




  1. the action or process of integrating back into society.

  2. the action or process of restoring elements regarded as disparate to unity.

Let’s start with number one: 

        the action or process of integrating back into society

If you’re like me, this isn’t an exaggeration. For the past year, I have drastically limited time spent outside of my house - minimizing or eliminating errands, doctors visits, haircuts, work outside the house, social gatherings, travel, etc. In other words, I have been operating outside of “society”. And because I was in Spain for almost 2 years previous to Covid, I’ve been removed from the American version of society for almost 3 years. When put that way, I can really feel the bigness of this reintegration period and the importance of a mindful reentry.

I’m asking myself questions like:

        How can I reintegrate with compassion and gentleness?

        How can I reintegrate while feeling energized versus depleted?

And by definition, I can’t do either of those things without considering #2:

        the action or process of restoring elements regarded as disparate to unity

Which also requires a thoughtful definition of unity:




  1. the state of being one; oneness.

  2. a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one.


And so we arrive at the most essential part: As we attempt to reintegrate thoughtfully, what would be disparate to unity? What elements might we mistakenly bring back into our lives that would cause us to feel separation or a lack of wholeness. 


These are interesting questions to ask ourselves in general but especially in this particular moment. There is a collective energy shift happening right now and in these “collective moments”, change tends to be a bit more easeful. This collective shift is such a powerful time to redesign or reconstruct elements of our lives - to more fully align our choices with our values.


In this extended period of interruption, an opportunity has been created to choose new pathways. To choose how we want our lives to look moving forward. And yes, of course this is always possible but because so many of us are considering these questions right now, there’s more space for new pathways than usual. 


Like me, you’ve probably had an experience that shifts your perspective and makes you want to change something. But because no one around you is also seeing things differently, the change feel more difficult. We can feel stuck in our roles, uncertain of how to initiate this new way. When we are the only ones who see through a new lens, there is a tendency to slide back into the old pathway. 


This moment is different, and truly unlike any period we’ve experienced before. We’ve lived through this huge shift together, and as things begin to open up, another huge shift is unfolding. We can go along for the ride, and slide back into old grooves, or we can move with embodied presence and agency. We can pay deep attention to what feels nourishing, connecting, and energizing and choose that. We can also pay attention to what feels “disparate to unity” and choose something different, something that supports wholeness and integration.


Here are two examples:

1. I am aware of my own longing to be with loved ones - to reach out in a million different ways and reconnect and yet, I know that a part of me still feels anxious and uncertain about “un-distancing”.

2. My wanderlust is giving me a nudge (really more of a push). I could easily plan a ton of trips and events but I also know how much I’ve valued being less busy, having more space for spontaneity with my soon to fly the coop daughters.

So the task for me is to fill my longing for connection without feeling scared and overwhelmed and to explore my curiosity while protecting that spaciousness. This requires that I listen to all of the parts of myself and not override the parts that are more cautious and introverted. 


This is what most interests me about the definition of reintegration. Reintegrating well, isn’t just about entering into society. It’s about doing so while paying attention to all of the parts of ourselves. The unity we seek is within us. And it requires an attentive, compassionate ear - our ear!


So the question is, are you willing to listen with the ears of your heart to all of the facets of yourself speaking? 


Wouldn’t that be lovely? Imagine if during this period of time, collectively, we asked ourselves what we needed... and then we paused to listen deeply to the answers with a compassionate heart... and then we consciously acted on what we received. Imagine the collective doing this all at once. Think of how lovely and encouraging and supportive and hopeful that would feel.


If you would like to be part of a “mini-collective”, please join me for a special workshop this Sunday, April 18 from 4-6pm (MST). Through guided reflection, conversation, and mindful movement, we'll ponder the questions together. 

For more information or to register, click here


As always, don’t hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear from you.


Much love,



Rachel Posner