Let's go to Southern Spain!

I’m guiding a retreat in Spain and you’re invited! Here’s a stream-of-consciousness rambling on why I am so excited about this.


~ I love the pace of life and the feeling that there’s no need to rush because there’s no shortage of time. It’s not that the Spaniards aren’t doing lots of things in a day. They just go about it without an internal alarm clock that tells them that they are running out of time. It’s a giant shift in perspective!

~ I love the food and the time spent taking pleasure in it. Again, it comes back to time and the feeling of enjoying the moment with all of our senses. Meals are beautiful affairs because again, there’s no rush. So we savor the tastes, smells, textures and beauty of the food itself, not to mention the company we are sharing it with. A typical Spanish meal leaves you feeling nourished, connected and deeply satisfied. 

~ I love the language. It’s not just the sound and the rhythm but the word choices. When I lived there, some of the words I heard most in conversations were descriptions of beauty and wonder. Genial, guapa, bonita, linda, maravilla, bella, fabulosa, rica, and preciosa, to name a few… On the other hand, the only word I heard for ugly was feo. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t other words for both, only that I heard people describe beautiful things much more often and in more varied ways. Their very vocabulary suggests an orientation towards beauty.


~ When we free ourselves from the familiar, we make space to imagine something new. My retreats move in stages. First, we get grounded and cultivate a feeling of safety. This experience of safety leads to a bigger perspective that allows us to see with fresh eyes. And here’s where things get really juicy. Our fresh eyes help us see where we may be stuck or disengaged, where we aren’t feeling as alive as we want to feel and where we are not paying enough attention to the beauty that already exists. From here we can imagine something new and explore how to step into it.

~ Cultivating safety and imagining new possibilities takes courage and courage takes support. The feeling of being “in it together” makes us braver. I love the fun and laughter and friendships and connections that come out of retreats and I also love that our retreat community helps us to be brave and step into new possibilities.

~ Retreats = yoga and nature and friendship and meditation and cultural experiences and adventure and deep relaxation. Since these are basically my favorite things, retreats rock! This particular retreat also includes hiking amongst olive trees and amazing, Spanish vegetarian food (yes, this is an actual thing and proof that you don’t have to eat ham with every meal), and flamenco performances and meandering through the ancient white villages of Andalusia and a gorgeous pool overlooking a stunning mountain side and optional massages which means it double rocks!


~ If everything in you is saying YES, check out the details and register here.

~ If you feel called but you have 37 reasons why you shouldn’t do it, and everything in you is still saying YES, check out the details and register here.

~ If your interest is highly peaked but you’re not sure if now is the right time, let’s schedule a time to talk. This is not a “sales call”. This is simply an opportunity to explore whether this retreat is the right fit for you and get all of your questions answered. And if you don’t know me well, it’s also a chance for you to get a sense of whether I’m the right retreat guide for you.  Schedule a call here or reply to this email.

Thanks for reading and please share with anyone who might enjoy this post.

Espero que nos veamos pronto!


P.S. Covid protocols will be based on best practices at the time of the retreat. Vaccinations are required.

Rachel Posner