Cultivating Safety
This is the first week of Your Yoga: a virtual community. Join me live on zoom today at 9:30 am MST for open level vinyasa where we'll be exploring how to cultivate an internalized sense of safety and calm, even when things get tough.
One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is by noticing and really focusing on all of the ways you are actually safe right now. So often, particularly in these difficult times, we develop a heightened sense of vigilance. We find ourselves bracing when there's no immediate threat. We feel anxious and over-focus on perceived or imagined dangers when the truth of the moment may actually be that we are completely safe.
When we feel anxious or afraid, our stress response turns on and we become more fearful and vigilant. It is a viscous cycle that releases cortisol and adrenaline into our system and perpetuates discomfort and fear.
This week in Your Yoga, we'll practice turning off our stress response and turning on our relaxation response. Through pranayama, asana and meditation we'll practice staying calm in the face of discomfort.
Join us today or Thursday for open level vinyasa at 9:30 MST, or tomorrow for restorative yoga at 6pm MST.
For more information about the Your Yoga membership, click here.
I hope you feel calm and safe today!
Much love,